Wednesday, February 25, 2009


You can be quite certain, when I'm hiding from this blog, it's because I've temporarily fallen off the wagon! I should be confessing daily, but instead I'm holding out for something positive. Not I'm going to proceed with confessions of human weakness.

It seems my biggest weakness right now is failure to plan. Whenever my schedule picks up (and I know this occurs when my calendar has time slots marked, "talk to James," "shower," and "breathe"), eating doesn't make the cut and I fail to menu plan. This means that meals are impromptu and unfortunately often impulsive. Generally I'm also too tired to fight with my kids over the menu, so I take the easy route...mac and cheese, PB & J, name a few of the repeat offenses. These make meal time EASY. No fighting. No stress. No thinking.

But the dark side of that lack of stress and thinking is this trail of guilt that follows me around the house and everywhere I makes me feel like I'm failing at the important things. Contrary to popular belief, I am of the persuasion that guilt is a good's our moral compass that let's us know when we're headed the wrong direction. I listen to my guilt instead of squelching it and brushing it under the rug. I know these foods are not good for us. I know that nutrition is lacking and fat, gluten, bad carbs, and loads of unnecessary calories are plentiful. My guilt tells me to eat better...and so I shall. I will probably cycle through this several times before getting it right most of the time. But guilt is what will keep me from abandoning it all together. So guilt is my friend.

I have been able to keep up on my Colonix program and this makes me feel good. Atleast not much of this junk is sticking with me! But I need to be giving my freshly cleaned colon some good nutrition to absorb. Did you know that your colon is supposed to absorb nutrition too? Not just your stomach? But we clog it up with so much junk that it often can't do it's job which is why so many Americans are malnourished without even knowing it.

Well, confession is good for the soul. Let's hope it's good for the diet too. Anyone else out there struggling? Leave me a note...I could sure use a support group right about now! lol.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! My weakness is ice cream and unfortunately my husband LOVES ice cream so he doesn't deny me when I ask for it usually...

    If we never felt guilty we would be eating Little Debbie snacks and all sorts of fattening foods just about every day... or at least I would! But there are better foods then that I just need to remember that my taste will follow as I continue to discipline myself. I like this blog.
